Rebel Collections 1.0
Julia Sommerland
Julia Sommerland is a self-taught artist and illustrator based in Stockholm, Sweden. Her diverse portfolio spans various styles and designs, reflecting her ongoing exploration of new techniques and artistic expressions.
" Tattoos are a way for me to express my personality and style. I currently have only three real tattoos, but I would love to get more. My collection reflects what I aspire to have. I'm completely obsessed with it and believe it's a perfect blend of modern and youthful style, with a salty touch. "

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Limited edtion
El Boot
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Modern Expression
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Hot girl summer
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Graham's Flower
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Milk Carton
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Moonlight Serenity
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Mushroom Groove
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Sail Away
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I Am Blooming
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Life is a party
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Serpent Contrast
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Retro Phone
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Sweet Love
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Välj en plats där huden är fri från hår, oljefri och torr.
Det finns ett tunt lager av skyddsfilm på baksidan av tatueringen som måste avlägsnas innan applicering.
Applicera sedan en fuktig handduk över tatueringen. Tatueringen måste hållas stilla på samma plats.
Håll tatueringen mot huden med handduken i 30 sekunder. Se till så att den inte glider runt.
Tatueringen kommer nu att gradvis framhävas på huden och det tar vanligtvis 24-36 timmar.